
Beech Class Year 2

Mrs Jones

Class 2 Teacher

Mrs Lingham

Teaching Assistant Yr 2

Welcome to Beech Class
Beech Class is our Year 2 class and is taught by  Mrs Jones with Ms Claxton as teaching assistant.  Please click the box below to see our topic and learning this half-term. We will show you our exciting learning we have been doing with lots of photos!
Our PE days are Monday and Friday however, we request that named PE kits are in school each day so that we can alter our provision according to the weather. We will also engage in the daily 10 minutes. 
As part of the school’s homework requirement, children are expected to read to an adult at home at least five times per week. This year, your child's reading journal will be checked in class every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. These will be the designated days that your child will be able to change their books. Please rest assure that reading a book more than once enriches and deepens their reading skills. Each week, on a Friday, when a child is successful in reading five times or more, they will gain a reward sticker to fill a bookmark. Thank you for your support with fostering a love a reading. 
Our Library day is Friday, where the children will have the chance to look at books and choose a book to share with you at home. They can keep the book for a week and then return it to change it for a new one.
Spellings will be explored and sent home on a Friday. The children will have a week to learn them and will have a spelling quiz on the following Friday. This term the children will have 10 spellings a week that they would have explored in class and identified any tricky parts.
It is important that children have named coats all year round. Please provide your child with sun cream and sun hats when appropriate to allow us to explore the outdoors in all weather. Please name all your children's clothes and bags for school so that we can ensure we have the best chance to reunite any lost property with its owner.  Finally, please can all children have a named old adult t-shirt or shirt for painting, modelling, collage and anything messy. These will stay in school and only come home at the end of each half term for washing. 
We have our outdoor learning lesson a Friday so you will need outdoor clothes, shoes (wellies) and a coat each Friday. 
We have lots of fun and exciting projects planned for the year ahead to explore and investigate. 

Probus Primary School
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